Friday, May 27, 2011

Maci's turning 1!!!!!

I never thought time would go so FAST! It really does, Maci is almost one. So we're going to do it up BIG! I am going to put all of my extra time and energy (and money)into this amazing day. I have been compiling some cute ideas lately and I decided to make Maci a little momento of the planning of "her day" I used mostly My Minds Eye product. Whcih this is one of my favorite lines! I'll be sure to post better pictures of the finished product:)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A sweet afternoon

We always seem to loose track of time when all three of us get together. In the moment we stop and let time slowly go by so we can  enjoy these moments. And yet looking back, it seems to fly by. These are two pictures from that evening together. Laid back and full of fun, love and a happy family.


Easter was a month ago and I miss it. I can't wait until your old enough to go on a easter egg hunt and decorate easter eggs. I just cannot wait to do so many things with my baby girl! Next holiday on the list...INDEPENDANCE DAY!!! I've already bought cute headbands and scrapbook kits. Can't wait